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Market Need

You cannot test against a measure until that measure is accurate and reliable.  As recent research article states one of the critical factors in all stages of the return to work process that is hindering success is understanding the physical demands of the job.  A robust physical demand documentation process can be the foundation of any functional testing, post-offer testing or return-to-work process.


Up until now, there has not been a system that can help tell the physical demand story to all parties involved.  The doctor, the employer, the employee, the case manager, the insurer, the specialists, legal, and the rehabilitation professional.  Now one document can present the full "picture" of an individual's job requirements.


Ensuring that the definitions of each of the physical demands are accurate, we spent four years gathering and defining each of the physical demands we collect.  Each physical demand is peer-reviewed creating a reliable definition.


We then produced videos of how each of the physical demands should be collected in the workplace along with other qualifying metrics required to present a reliable data capture process.


We then created a certification process to train each provider in the steps and accurate collection of physical demands in the workplace.


Finally, we developed a patent-pending process to ensure the knowledge and system are well protected by those who become trained in its use.


Certified Physical Demand Analyst

The Certified Physical Demand Analyst (CPDA) is taught how to accurately quantify postures, forces, repetitive cycles and duration of activities in terms of physical requirements of an individual or population. This professional will have the skills to collect, validate and document the essential functions and physical demands associated with any work environment. Ergonomic International’s physical demand analysis process emphasizes Visual Documentation™ and data collection techniques unique to our patented process.

Certified Physical Demand Analyst - Course Content


















Certification Process

The Certified Physical Demand Analyst (CPDA) goes through over 22 hours of online training, applies this knowledge to multiple online scenarios, then goes out and collects data from a real work environment, inputs it into the system to create a report to be instructor reviewed.  Finally, each CPDA candidate takes a final exam which must be passed at 85%.


The Certified Physical Demand Analyst is required to pass a certification exam, perform physical demand analysis using the Infocus Work Applications software and annually demonstrate their ability to accurately document essential functions and physical demands of jobs. They are also required to annually participate in continuing education that is approved by Ergonomics International.


Part of the course is to ensure you are a confident and capable provider of these services.  We will schedule regular mentoring sessions along the way for those who feel they need a little extra help with any of the sections.  These mentoring sessions have been a hallmark of our educational programs since 1998 and we find it builds a great relationship and improves provider confidence.  It also gives us a one on one experience with our providers to be able to highly recommend them after certification is complete.  Take advantage of these sessions.


About the Certification and Software Usage Process

The reporting process is a web-based Software as a Service system allowing standardized reports to be generated consistently and accurately.  Each purchase includes training of one Certified Physical Demand Analyst per facility, unlimited physical demand reports, and annualized reminders of reports that are in need of updating, unlimited access to the facility reports. 


Annual Licensure

The Physical Demand Software does have an annual licensure renewal fee of $3500 per facility per annum.  This allows the retraining or new training of an individual to become a Certified Physical Demand Analyst, software usage for the year, includes all Software as a Service upgrades and training updates for all CPDAs, any definition refinements, as well and annual changes to your facility physical demand reports to keep them current and legally defensible.


How the program works

To get started signup for the Certified Physical Demand Analyst course.

Complete all of the lessons and practicals.

Complete and pass the final exam.

Enter at least one complete report into the system for review and any mentor suggestions. 


Integrate Specific Function Testing Protocols

Once your physical demand reports are completed you can now use them in many parts of your organization including human resources job descriptions as addendums, in ADA cases to help define essential and non-essential functions. In your post-offer hiring and return to work process by having us help you create specific function testing protocols that are valid, reliable, trainable,  and defensible.


CPDA - Introduction and Objectives

Physical Demand Analyst I - Introduction

Physical Demand Analyst II - Personal Safety

Physical Demand Analyst III - Criteria for Certification

Worker Physical Abilities I

Physiology I - Introduction

Physiology II - Hard Work 01

Physiology III - Hard Work 02

Physiology IV - Hard Work 11

Physiology V - Muscle Fibers

Physiology VI - Energy Production

Physiology VII - Fatigue

Biomechanics I - Introduction

Biomechanics II - The Body at Work

Biomechanics II - Structures of the Body

Anatomy Review I - Hand and Wrist

Anatomy Review II - Shoulder

Anatomy Review III - Neck and Back

Anatomy Review IV - Anatomy of Extremities

Anatomy Review V - Nerves

Anatomy Review VI - Fatigue

Job Analysis Review I

Analyzing Video I

Job Task Outline I

Software Introduction I

Physical Demand Categories I

Defining and Collecting Physical Demands I - Postures and Positions

Defining and Collecting Physical Demands II - Lifting

Defining and Collecting Physical Demands III - Reaching

Defining and Collecting Physical Demands IV - Handling and Manipulation

Defining and Collecting Physical Demands V - Transporting

Defining and Collecting Physical Demands V - Environmental

Defining and Collecting Physical Demands VI - Sensory

Understanding Task & Posture Specific Functional Testing I

Physical Demand Analyst IV - Skills Assessments and Instructions

Physical Demand Analyst V - Legal Considerations

Physical Demand Analyst VI - Course Summation

CPDA - Final Examination Instructions

CPDA - Final Exam and Practicum

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